
Old Computers shouldering the ever increasing burden placed upon them, can sometimes be improved with a selection of hardware and software upgrades. Sometimes it is just a particular item of Computer Hardware that is slowing down the Computer the most. Hardware upgrades are commonly carried out by Southmicro Computer Technicians to help the users gain the most performance out of a Computer that they are otherwise happy to keep using for as long as it can be maintained in working order.

We can assist in helping you decide which hardware items to upgrade and whether the operating system and the applications themselves need upgrading to maximise the benefits that upgrades bring. Some application vendors drop support for very old versions of their software and this is another reason for upgrades to be carried out. Some hardware components were designed at a time when modern usage was not anticipated and so struggle to keep up with the tasks thrown at them. As an example, there are many computers running on a very small amount of Memory which causes the Computer to work slower than it would if it had a memory upgrade done. No doubt at the time the Computer was purchased the memory was deemed to be quite sufficient, but times change quickly in technology.

Whenever a Computer Upgrade may be needed, rest assured Southmicro Computer Experts have the know how to determine what needs to be upgraded and can perform the upgrade quickly and thoroughly, leaving you, our client, delighted with all the benefits a faster, better performing Desktop or Laptop brings. For all your Computer Upgrade needs and for all other types of Computer Services and Computer Repairs please give us a call or book online. We look forward to hearing from you.
