
So you went out and splashed out on a new computer. Now its time to set it up. Despite all the plug and play hype that surrounds computers, it is often the case that quite a bit of work needs to be done to get the computer working exactly how you wish it work after you take it home. This is where Southmicro technicians can help with the set up of the new computer. We can setup all the applications you need and transfer any data over for you as well. If you like to have you Computer setup properly, give us a call and we will be more than happy to assist.

In a business environment, when the business expands and gets more workstations or servers or when computers are upgraded to new hardware, they need setting up. There is more than meets the eye to this setup. It is not enough to simply plug in a few cables and turn it on. The computer needs to be told how to connect to all the office Computer resources and the staff member assigned to the computer needs to be setup on that computer as well.Then there is ensuring that the networking is reliable and that the protection software is enabled, licensed and functioning correctly amongst other things.

For all your computer requirements including computer repairs, please do not hesitate to call us for your expert Southmicro Technician. You can also book a technician on our website. We are eager to help you get the most out of your computer technology. Let us help get those shiny new boxes operational to your satisfaction. Supporting Sydney 7 days a week, onsite the same day, you can depend on Southmicro to help you with your technology requirements.
